Thursday, 3 February 2011

Why thrillers thrive. (Tom)

Thrillers are so popular because of the excitement and the blood rush they give us throughout our bodies, a good thriller makes us feel like we're actually there, but yet when you come to reality we're not we're just siting comfortably in our chairs in a 'secure environment'.  Watching a thriller is like looking through a 'window' because your inside and sheltered from everything bad. Its the job of the movie to try to make us project ourselves into the consciousness of the character to feel the 'real thrill' which is happening. 'watching a well made film we don't sit by as spectators, we participate.'

In the British film 'Hell's Angels' the tension is build up before the plane crashes into the zeppelin this is done by a series of quick cutting of different shots of the facial expression of the pilot, and then on impact the balckout in the cinema makes you feel like your there and you've been knocked unconcious due to the impact, but then we realise we're sat in a nice secure place where we can't be harmed.

When someone tried to bring the thriller to life by making the pillar apear to fall down but then was suspended from the roof, people didnt like this idea and the show was close down, this indicates just how much people like to be in a safe location when watching a thriller. Its the techniqyes inside the thriller that make is so appealing like 'Extreme Aversion' which is where emotional jolts are used to exploit sadism, many of these techniques put together make a good thriller.

In conclusion thrillers are at their best and most popular when you can watch them knowing that nothing is going to actually happen to you and your just looking 'through a window'.

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