- The use of flashback at the beginning gives us a feeling of what the film is going to be like, good editing.
- Editing on the pictures was good and the sound went well with it when the pictures were flicking through.
- Production company's logo is very impressive.
-The repetition of the images+ the increase pace really builds up suspense makes us empathise with protagonist.
- Sound and clips work perfectly together to maintain a tense atmosphere
- Spotlight bit is really good and really liked the use of sound. The special effects used in some of the flashbacks are very good, the sound with the photos at the end is also very good.
- Liked the production company and the sound over it.
- Like the editing between the kidnapped person and the park.
- Lovely memory photos.
- Film production logo animation looks really good.
- Liked the lighting at the beginning with the light moving around the frame.
- The lighting of the hostage room was really creative and works well.
- The sound in time with the images builds up suspense well.
-Really liked the first shot with the production logo, it was really effective and cleverly done.
- The photos that were used near the end started piling up at the end and this was really effective.
- Like the blurry effects to create a sense of flashbacks, the use of photographs really built up emotion.
-Liked the shots to show the relationship between the characters when they are playing football.
- Liked the pictures flash up and gradually get faster as they create tension.
- The ending could be improved.
- It could have a stronger ending as it doesn't really explain why he has been taken.
- The titles at the beginning could stay up longer.
- While the two characters are playing football the camerawork is jerky.
- The swinging of the lamp could be smoother.
- Lighting in the end clips flick from light to dark, this isn't very noticeable but a little distracting.
- Potentially too dark in the captivity section.
- The pictures at the end go on for a little too long and the pauses on the photos are longer on some then others.
-The titles at the end make it look like a trailer.
- Titles were quite small, possibly make them slightly bigger.
- Use a mixture of effects instead of the thunder.
- Have titles and names up on screen for longer right at the beginning.